After being a member of PickyDomains.com for 67 days, one of the domain names I suggested was picked by the client and I got paid USD25.00. Yabba dabba do!
Here's what happened...
I only spent the first 13 days trying to suggest domain names for 6 clients. All in all, I made 134 domain name suggestions. I received some "liked" and "disliked". I continued to check the statuses of the orders to see if any of my suggestions made it. None were picked.
I had thought that some of the domain name suggestions were pretty good and sure winners. I guess not... LOL. After that I decided to call it quit.
My Domain Name Suggestion was Picked!
Out of the 6 clients, 3 decided to opt out of the program and got their refunds. 3 of the clients picked from the suggestions they received and one of that, was from me!!!

Hahaha... I am so stoked! Not from the money, but from the fact that someone actually liked my work enough to wanna pay for it... LOL... cheap thrill... but I still love it... Hahaha.
I think I am gonna go and try my luck again... :-P
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